
Meet the humans behind Mildly Curious.

Mildly curious about everything? We are. Whether your current focus is work, relationships, culture, money, spirituality, health, politics, or lifestyle, approaching it with curiosity and openness can make life much easier and significantly more enjoyable. 

As humans in a chaotic, confusing world, asking questions is our greatest superpower. Since nobody among us has all the answers — and even the best answers don’t apply to everyone in every situation — we could all do ourselves a favor by placing more significance on the questions we ask than on the answers we are given. 

Our questions provide deep insight into who we are as individuals, what is important to us, and what makes us feel whole.

Jas and Amy started Mildly Curious as a forum for asking questions and sharing the thoughts, ideas, experiences, and perspectives of others with the larger community in a non-judgmental, unbiased way. Listening to the perspectives and experiences of others, even if we don’t agree with them, helps us to better understand ourselves.

Amy is an author and blogger who splits her time between Vermont and Connecticut. She travels extensively, interviewing people from diverse backgrounds, races, and cultures. Amy has lived and worked in Africa, reported from refugee camps in the Middle East, and documented the scars of war still painfully visible in places like Bosnia and Laos. 

Jas moved to the U.S. from India more than 20 years ago to further his education in engineering. After 15 years in corporate America building digital applications, he is pursuing his love for teaching as a professor at a business school in Massachusetts. Jas handles the digital side of Mildly Curious while Amy does the writing. Jas and Amy are partners in work, travel, and life. 

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for any of us, and any "expert" that says otherwise has an agenda. As unique, individual human beings, we are the only ones who know what is best for us. That being said, the experiences, failures, and trial and error of others can serve as an effective Compass, guiding us in our search for contentment, opportunity, love, health, and overall success.

Mildly Curious is a home for anyone who is seeking guidance, new ideas, and different perspectives, but who is tired of being told how to live. We are not here to provide life hacks or a prescription for happiness. We are here to ask questions with open-ended answers, some of which we hope will resonate with you. 

Use the wisdom and experience of others to guide you in your own life, but remember that the answer to your own questions must ultimately come from within yourself. 

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